“Four Points and Five Types” Remaining Oil Classification in Oilfields with Ultra-High Water Cut
摘要: 特高含水期油田的油水分布状况复杂,需要明确其剩余油的定义、属性分类方法和水驱开发潜力评价方法。在油藏水驱极限驱油效率研究和渗流力学分析的基础上,选取油水渗流特征点对应的4个含油饱和度为剩余油分类界限点,建立了特高含水期油田"四点五类"剩余油属性分类方法。将特高含水期油田剩余油划分为富集油、相对富集油、可动用油、难动用油和残余油5类,分析了这5类剩余油的具体属性、开发调整对策及措施方向。根据提出的油田水驱开发潜力评价方法,将特高含水期油田水驱开发潜力划分为水驱极限潜力、可动用潜力和难动用潜力3类,并对中国石化10个中高渗透油田的剩余油属性分类和水驱开发潜力进行了分析,结果表明,特高含水后期普遍分布的剩余油以难动用油为主,局部富集的剩余油以相对富集油为主,注水开发极限潜力巨大,但近4/5为难动用潜力油藏。特高含水期油田"四点五类"剩余油分类方法明确了剩余油的分布特征,为制定不同类型剩余油开发调整措施提供了理论依据。Abstract: Oil and water distribution within the reservoirs in mature oilfields with extremely high water cut is very complicated. To tap the development potential of such fields, it is necessary to have a clear definition of the remaining oil, its attributes and classification method, and the approaches for evaluating the potential for further developing the fields with a waterflooding program. A "Four Points and Five Types" remaining oil classification method for oil fields with ultra-high water cut was developed in this paper by selecting 4 oil saturation points corresponding to the oil-water seepage characteristics as the boundary points of remaining oil classification, based on the investigation of the ultimate oil displacement efficiency and the analysis of the seepage mechanics. The remaining oil in fields with ultra-high water cut was classified into five types, including enriched oil, somewhat enriched oil, movable oil, hard-to-move oil, and residual oil. The specific features and re-development strategies of these five types of remaining oil were analyzed. Based on the presented method for evaluating the waterflooding development potential of oilfields, the waterflooding development potential of oil fields with extremely high water cut was categorized into three types, namely, ultimate waterflooding potential, movable potential and hard-to-move potential. Investigation of the remaining oil types and waterflooding development potential of 10 fields with mid-high permeability showed that majority of the remaining oil in fields with extremely high water cut was hard-to-move oil, and there was rather enriched oil in some local areas. Although there was huge waterflooding development potential in such fields, nearly 4/5 of the remaining oil was hard to produce. In summary, the "Four Points and Five Types" remaining oil classification method for fields with extremely high water cut helped to make clear the remaining oil distribution features and provided supports for working out re-development strategies of the various types of remaining oil.
- ultra-high water cut /
- remaining oil /
- classification /
- waterflooding /
- development potential
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