Drag and Torque Reducing Techniques on S-Shaped Directional Wells of the Rumaila Oilfield
摘要: 鲁迈拉油田S形定向井钻井过程中摩阻扭矩大,部分井出现扭矩超出顶驱扭矩额定上限的问题,严重影响了钻井速度,导致钻井周期延长、钻井成本增加。为此,从井眼轨道优化、试验应用旋转导向系统和水力振荡器、优选钻井液润滑剂等方面开展了降摩减扭技术研究,形成了适合鲁迈拉油田S形定向井钻井需求的降摩减扭技术:采用S形井眼轨道,最优井眼曲率为(2.85°~3.00°)/30m,最大井斜角为30°;优选应用加量均为3%的液体润滑剂RH3和固体润滑剂超细膨化石墨;水平位移大于500.00 m或定向施工须进入Mishrif层的定向井应用旋转导向系统,其余定向井应用水力振荡器,以提高机械钻速,降低扭矩。该降阻减扭技术在鲁迈拉油田13口S形定向井进行了应用,扭矩降低30%以上,机械钻速提高37.7%,较好地解决了该油田S形定向井钻井摩阻扭矩大的问题。Abstract: S-shaped directional wells in the Rumaila Oilfield are subject to large drag and torque during the drilling process and some wells experienced torques above the upper limit of rated top-drive torque. Such conditions might present significant impacts on drilling speeds, prolong required drilling time and increase drilling costs. In order to solve this problem, research was conducted on the drag and torque reducing technique in the well trajectory optimization, development and application of rotary steering system and hydraulic oscillator, drilling fluid lubricant optimization and other aspects. Accordingly, the drag and torque reducing technique was established to meet the drilling requirements of S-shaped directional wells in the Rumaila Oilfield. For this drag and torque reducing technique, S-shaped well trajectory was adopted with optimum borehole curvature of (2.85°-3.00°)/30 m and maximum hole drift angle of 30°; liquid lubricant RH3 and solid lubricant ultra-fine extruded graphite with dosage of 3% were selected; the rotary steering system was used for the directional well with horizontal displacement above 500 m or that having the construction in the Mishrif layer. At the same time, other directional wells deployed hydraulic oscillators to raise the rate of penetration and to reduce the torque. The drag and torque reducing technique was deployed in 13 S-shaped directional wells in the Rumaila Oilfield to reduce the torque by more than 30% and to raise the rate of penetration by 37.7%. It could solve the problem of large drag and torque for the S-shaped directional wells of the oilfield.
- drag /
- torque /
- directional well /
- well trajectory /
- rotary steering /
- hydraulic oscillator /
- lubricant /
- Rumaila Oilfield
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