Development and Field Applications of a New Anti-Sloughing Drilling Fluid System in Daniudi Gas Field
摘要: 鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地气田石千峰组和石盒子组地层在钻进过程中易出现井壁垮塌,并引起其他井下复杂情况,经常造成钻井无法顺利进行。为此,在该气田原来钻井液配方的基础上,将研制的新型防塌封堵剂PAS-5与阳离子沥青粉YK-H复配作为封堵剂,引入凝胶型携岩剂,并增大了抗高温降滤失剂的加量,配制了新型防塌钻井液。室内试验表明,该钻井液性能优良,流变性、抗温性和抑制性均较好,滚动回收率均大于96.0%,封堵率可达91.3%。新型防塌钻井液在大牛地气田4口井进行了现场应用,钻井过程中均未出现井下复杂情况,井径扩大率均小于6.00%,目的层平均机械钻速明显提高,实现了安全、优质及快速钻井。应用结果表明,新型防塌钻井液能够有效解决大牛地气田石千峰组和石盒子组地层井壁失稳问题。Abstract: In the Daniudi Gas Field, the Ordos Basin, borehole collapse tends to occur during the drilling of the Shiqianfeng and Shihezi Formations, resulting in complex downhole situations, where drilling operation can not be carried out smoothly. This paper presents the results of developing and applying a new type of anti-sloughing drilling fluid system which was prepared by adding a gel-type cuttings carrying agent into the original drilling fluid. After developing the new product, it was then used in the Daniudi Gas Field. In the new system, the plugging agent was composed of the newly developed anti-sloughing sealer PAS-5 and the cationic asphalt powder YK-H, and the dosage of anti-high temperature filtrate reducer was increased. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that the new type of drilling fluid system performed well overall with better rheological properties, temperature resistance and suppression, and its rolling recovery rate was greater than 96.0% and plugging rate was up to 91.3%. The new type of anti-sloughing drilling fluid system was applied on site to four wells in the Daniudi Gas Field. The wells were drilled without complications, and were done so in a manner that was safe, fast, and with high quality. The hole enlargement rate was less than 6.0%, and the average ROP (rate of penetration) of target layer significantly increased. Results demonstrated that the wellbore instability of Shiqianfeng and Shihezi Formations in Daniudi Gas Field could be solved effectively by using the new type of anti-sloughing drilling fluid.