
Challenges and Countermeasures for the Drilling and Completion of Deepwater Wells in the South China Sea

  • 摘要: 近年来,我国深水油气资源的勘探开发不断取得突破,"海洋石油981"半潜式钻井平台的建成更是将我国深水钻井装备提升到了世界先进水平行列,但是,与国外先进水平相比,我国深水钻井完井还存在缺乏作业经验、工艺及技术水平较低、基础理论研究薄弱等问题。在介绍我国南海深水钻井完井技术研究现状的基础上,分析了南海深水钻井完井面临的技术难点,针对我国南海特殊海洋环境、特殊地质条件及离岸距离远给钻井完井带来的特殊挑战,以安全高效钻井完井为聚焦点,给出了需要进一步攻关的一系列关键技术,并提出了发展建议,以期为我国深水钻井完井技术及理论的发展提供借鉴,最终实现我国南海深水油气资源的高效安全开发。


    Abstract: In recent years, continuous breakthroughs have been made in the exploration and development of deepwater oil and gas resources in China. In particular, the successful undocking of HYSY-981, a deepwater semi-submersible drilling platform, has elevated deepwater drilling equipment of China to an advanced level in the world. However, in contrast with international advanced peers, the experience in deepwater drilling and completion in China is insufficient, operation and technology are at low level, the basic research at a theoretical level and other aspects are weaker. The paper reviewed the situation of research on deepwater drilling and completion in the South China Sea, and analyzed the technical difficulties existing in these operations. In consideration of existing challenges in the South China Sea, including special marine environment and geological conditions as well as long distances from the seashores, a series of key technologies and suggestions are proposed. It could be taken as the reference point and platform for the development of technologies and theories in deepwater drilling and completion in China, and to realize safe and efficient development of deepwater oil and gas resources in the South China Sea.


