
Intelligent Shale Lamination Type Recognition Technology Based on Optical Thin Section

  • 摘要: 纹层类型的准确识别是光学薄片技术在油田勘探开发过程中的一个重要应用。在页岩储层改造过程中,由于页岩特有的薄层理构造与非均质性,准确识别地层中纹层类型,对选取储层改造位置和优化改造方案具有重要意义。光学大薄片相较于传统测井数据具有更加精确的岩性划分,相较于普通薄片具有更大尺度的纵向连续岩性变化规律特征,可提供厘米级别的储层信息,从而能够准确划分纹层类型,优选工程甜点。基于卷积神经网络(CNN)构建了纹层分类模型(简称CNN模型),利用纵向上连续的光学大薄片数据,CNN模型可以准确识别细砂质纹层、粉砂质纹层和泥质纹层,分类精度最高达73%,且分类准确率优于YOLOv5模型。研究结果表明,CNN模型能够有效实现纹层类型智能识别,且能够应对复杂背景和精细纹层特征,为页岩油气储层的精细化表征和开发提供了一种高效、精准的解决方案。


    Abstract: The location of fracture modification in shale reservoirs is an important factor affecting the fracturing effect. Due to the unique characteristics of the shale grain layer, accurate identification of the grain layer type in the formation is of great importance in selecting the location of reservoir reforming. Recognizing the type of grain layer in optical thin section images is a difficult task in current research. Optical thin section has more accurate lithology delineation than well logging data, and larger scale longitudinal continuous lithology change pattern than ordinary thin section samples, providing centimeter-level reservoir information, which can accurately delineate the type of grain layer and select the sweet spot area for fracturing engineering. The study mainly applies deep neural networks to classify and detect different types of grain layers based on longitudinally continuous large optical thin section data. The results show that the method can continuously and accurately identify three types of grain layers in the longitudinal direction, and can accurately identify the grain layers for the preferred purpose of fracturing and reforming, with an accuracy of up to 70% for the fine sand grain layers in the preferred fracturing and reforming area in a single-well section, and an accuracy of up to 75% for the fine sand grain layers in the preferred fracturing and reforming area in a multi-well section. Through comparative experiments, increasing the amount of data can effectively improve the accuracy of the model.


