
Study and application of precipitated particle profile control and displacement agent

  • 摘要: 针对注入水或地层水矿化度高的油田,聚合物驱驱油效果差的问题,开发了一种“硅酸钠+分散剂”调驱体系,其与注入水或地层水中的钙镁离子反应可以迅速生成最小粒径低于100 nm的沉淀粒子。通过调节分散剂与硅酸钠质量浓度之比,可调控沉淀粒子团聚程度,使初始粒径在 60.4 nm至3.85 μm可控,分散时间在2~144 h可控,可适配不同渗透率的油藏。沉淀粒子聚集后聚集体的最终粒径超70 μm,可有效封堵高渗流通道,实现深部液流转向。该调驱体系在南海某油田的P8注采井组进行了现场试验,该井组注入水的矿化度为34 000 mg/L,连续注入沉淀调驱体系192 d后,平均注水压力升高2.9 MPa,2口受效井的含水率分别降低了4.6%和17.8%,累计增油量超6 200 m³,有效期在4月以上。研究和现场试验表明,设计的沉淀调驱体系,可以解决注入水矿化度高油田聚合物调驱效果差的问题,为注入水高矿化度油田调驱提供技术支持。


    Abstract: In response to the water quality characteristics of high salinity and high hardness oilfield, designs the “sodium silicate+dispersant” composite solution which can react with calcium and magnesium ions in oilfield injection water to quickly generate precipitated particles with a minimum particle size of less than 100 nanometersor. Adjusting the concentration ratio of sodium silicate to dispersant can change the agglomeration degree of nanoparticles, make the initial particle size controllable within 60.4 nm~3.85 μm, and make the dispersion time controllable within 2 h~6 d to accommodate reservoirs with different permeability. After aggregation of dispersed particles, the final size of aggregates exceeds 70 microns which can effectively block high permeability layer and realize deep fluid flow steering.Field tests of the technology have been carried out in the South China Sea oilfield. After 192 days of continuous operation, the average water injection pressure increased by 2.9 MPa, and the cumulative oil increase exceeded 6,200m3. The effective period was more than 4 months.


