汪海阁,张佳伟,黄洪春,等. 墨西哥湾万米级特深井钻完井实践与启示[J]. 石油钻探技术,2024, 52(2):12-23. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024121
引用本文: 汪海阁,张佳伟,黄洪春,等. 墨西哥湾万米级特深井钻完井实践与启示[J]. 石油钻探技术,2024, 52(2):12-23. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024121
WANG Haige, ZHANG Jiawei, HUANG Hongchun, et al. Inspiration and practice of drilling and completion in 10 000-meter ultra-deep wells in the Gulf of Mexico [J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques,2024, 52(2):12-23. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024121
Citation: WANG Haige, ZHANG Jiawei, HUANG Hongchun, et al. Inspiration and practice of drilling and completion in 10 000-meter ultra-deep wells in the Gulf of Mexico [J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques,2024, 52(2):12-23. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024121


Inspiration and Practice of Drilling and Completion in 10 000-Meter Ultra-Deep Wells in the Gulf of Mexico

  • 摘要: 目前,我国陆上钻井能力已达9 000 m水平,且随着深地塔科1井钻深突破万米,成为全球第二个实现陆上万米钻探的国家,初步具备万米深地油气资源勘探开发能力。但是,目前我国仅完钻5口井深超过9 000 m的特深井,万米深地钻完井技术仍处于起步与探索阶段。美国墨西哥湾是世界上超深特深井数量最多的地区,并在钻井−完井−开发一体化设计理念、井身结构优化与拓展、关键装备与工具仪器、强化钻井参数提速和井下事故复杂防控等方面已形成先进理念与成熟做法。为此,系统总结分析了美国墨西哥湾万米级特深井钻井周期、钻完井成本、原油产量、钻完井方案、成熟应用装备、工艺技术等,认为我国在地质条件、地层可钻性等方面存在差异,万米级特深井的数量、钻井周期及机械钻速与美国墨西哥湾相比仍存在一定差距。结合我国万米深地油气资源钻探面临的工程难题与挑战,提出了万米深地钻探工程技术及装备发展方向及建议,为实现我国万米深地油气资源勘探开发,推动钻完井关键技术装备迭代升级提供参考借鉴。


    Abstract: Currently, China’s onshore drilling capability has reached the level of 9000 m in depth. In addition, the drilling depth of Well Take-1 has successfully exceeded 10000 m, making China the second country in the world to achieve onshore drilling depths of over 10 000 m, indicating the ability to explore and develop oil and gas resources at 10000 m in depth. However, at present, only five ultra-deep wells over 9000 m have been drilled in China, and the drilling and completion technology for wells over 9 000 m is still in the initial exploratory stage. The Gulf of Mexico in the United States has the largest number of ultra-deep wells in the world, and advanced concepts and mature practices have been formed in multiple areas including the design concept of drilling-completion-development integration, casing program optimization and expansion, key equipment and tools, drilling parameters strengthening for speeding up, and prevention and control of complex downhole situations. To this end, the drilling cycle, drilling and completion cost, crude oil production, drilling and completion scheme, mature application equipment, and technology of ultra-deep wells in the Gulf of Mexico were systematically summarized. It is concluded that due to differences in geological conditions and formation drillability, there are gaps in the number, drilling cycle, and rate of penetration of 10000-meter ultra-deep wells in China compared with those in the Gulf of Mexico. In accordance with the engineering problems and challenges faced in drilling China’s oil and gas resources over 10000 m in depth, development directions and suggestions of 10000-meter drilling engineering technology and equipment are introduced, so as to provide a reference for achieving the exploration and development of China’s oil and gas resources over 10000 m in depth and promoting the iterative upgrading of key drilling and completion technology and equipment.


