
Development and Field Test of BH-VDT3000 Vertical Drilling System

  • 摘要: 针对BH−VDT3000垂直钻井系统研制过程中遇到的技术问题,利用平衡趋势造斜率预测方法,分析了影响BH−VDT3000垂直钻井系统纠斜能力的因素及其影响规律,系统分析了BH−VDT3000第一代样机现场试验失败的原因,给出了第二代样机的结构、钻具组合及钻进参数优化方案,并进行了现场试验。理论研究及现场试验结果表明,推靠式垂直钻井系统的钻头侧向力指向井眼低边时有利于纠斜,钻头转角指向高边时不利于纠斜,选择钻具组合与钻井参数(含推靠力)时需要平衡二者对钻进趋势的影响,否则会失去纠斜能力;BH−VDT3000垂直钻井系统直径小、刚度低,若采用与大尺寸垂直钻井系统相同的钻具组合,极有可能失去纠斜能力;整体缩短导向头长度、导向翼肋与稳定器之间的距离,有助于提升中等尺寸垂直钻井系统的井斜控制能力。


    Abstract: Based on the technical problems encountered during the development of BH-VDT3000 vertical drilling system (VDS), the influencing factors and rules of its straightening capability were analyzed by the prediction method of equilibrium trend build-up rate. The reasons for the field test failure of the first-generation BH−VDT3000 prototype were comprehensively analyzed, thereafter the optimization scheme of the structure, bottom-hole assembly (BHA), and drilling parameters of the second-generation prototype were proposed. Field tests were also conducted. The theoretical research and field test results show that the bit lateral force of the push-the-bit VDS pointing to the low side of the borehole has positive impact on straightening, and the bit tilt angle pointing to the high side has passive impact on straightening. Their influences on the drilling trend should be balanced when selecting the BHA and drilling parameters (including the push-the-bit force), otherwise, the straightening capability will be lost. Because BH-VDT3000 VDS has a small diameter and low stiffness, it is very likely to lose the straightening capability if the same BHA of a large-size VDS is used. Shortening the overall length of the steering sub and the distance between the steering pads and the stabilizer can improve the straightening capability of the medium-size VDS.


