纪国栋,陈畅畅,郭建华,等. 万米深井钻柱减振增能提速方法研究[J]. 石油钻探技术,2024, 52(2):100-107. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024038
引用本文: 纪国栋,陈畅畅,郭建华,等. 万米深井钻柱减振增能提速方法研究[J]. 石油钻探技术,2024, 52(2):100-107. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024038
JI Guodong, CHEN Changchang, GUO Jianhua, et al. Research on vibration reduction, energy enhancement, and acceleration methods for drilling strings of 10 000-meter deep wells [J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques,2024, 52(2):100-107. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024038
Citation: JI Guodong, CHEN Changchang, GUO Jianhua, et al. Research on vibration reduction, energy enhancement, and acceleration methods for drilling strings of 10 000-meter deep wells [J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques,2024, 52(2):100-107. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024038


Research on Vibration Reduction, Energy Enhancement, and Acceleration Methods for Drilling Strings of 10 000-Meter Deep Wells

  • 摘要: 万米深井超深超长井段钻进过程中存在钻柱振动剧烈、能量传递困难、破岩效率低、钻头使用寿命短等问题,亟需开展万米深井钻柱减振与井底增能技术研究。根据超深层钻井环境的主要特征,结合近年来钻柱动力学研究结果,提出了以钻井过程中钻柱振动为能量来源提高井底钻井液射流压力的方法,在减小钻柱振动保护钻头的同时,提高钻头射流压力,实现井下增能破岩,解决井下振动强度大、井底水力能量不足的问题;并研制了井底钻柱减振增能装置,进行了现场试验。研究和试验结果表明:钻柱振动蕴含巨大的能量,该能量可以转化为破岩提速能量;设计的井底钻柱减振增能装置,可以提高钻井液射流压力,同时可以降低钻柱振动导致的安全风险,从而显著提高钻井速度。研究成果为万米深井减振提速技术开拓了新方向,为加快深部油气资源的勘探与开发提供了技术支持。


    Abstract: There are a series of problems in the drilling process of ultra-deep and ultra-long sections of 10 000-meter deep wells, such as severe vibration of the drilling string, slow speed of rock breaking, and short effective working life of the drill bit. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out research on vibration reduction of the drilling string and downhole energy enhancement technology of the 10 000-meter deep wells. According to the main characteristics of the ultra-deep drilling environment and recent research results on drilling string dynamics, a method was proposed to use drilling string vibration as an energy source during the drilling process to increase the jet pressure of downhole drilling fluid. While reducing drilling string vibration to protect the drill bit, the method increased the jet pressure of the drill bit to achieve downhole energy enhancement and rock breaking, solving the problems of high vibration intensity and insufficient hydraulic energy at the bottom of the wells. A vibration reduction and energy enhancement device for the downhole drilling string was developed, and on-site tests were conducted. The research results indicate that drilling string vibration contains enormous energy, which can be converted into energy for accelerating rock breaking. The designed vibration reduction and energy enhancement device for the downhole drilling string can increase the jet pressure of drilling fluid and reduce the safety risks caused by drilling string vibration, thereby significantly improving drilling speed. The research results have opened up new directions for the vibration reduction and acceleration technology of 10 000-meter deep wells and provided technical support for accelerating the exploration and development of deep oil and gas resources.


