刘湘华,于洋,刘景涛. 顺北油气田特深井钻井关键技术现状与发展建议[J]. 石油钻探技术,2024, 52(2):72-77. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024028
引用本文: 刘湘华,于洋,刘景涛. 顺北油气田特深井钻井关键技术现状与发展建议[J]. 石油钻探技术,2024, 52(2):72-77. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024028
LIU Xianghua, YU Yang, LIU Jingtao. Status quo and development suggestions of key drilling technologies for extra-deep wells in Shunbei Oil and Gas Field [J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques,2024, 52(2):72-77. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024028
Citation: LIU Xianghua, YU Yang, LIU Jingtao. Status quo and development suggestions of key drilling technologies for extra-deep wells in Shunbei Oil and Gas Field [J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques,2024, 52(2):72-77. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024028


Status Quo and Development Suggestions of Key Drilling Technologies for Extra-Deep Wells in Shunbei Oil and Gas Field

  • 摘要: 顺北油气田资源储量丰富,但油气埋藏深,储层具有超深、高压、超高温特点,被公认为钻完井的“世界禁区”。因此,探索适用于顺北油气田特深井的高效钻井技术系列,对加快该油气田高效开发具有重要意义。针对顺北油气田钻井技术难点,通过多年技术攻关和实践,形成了高效钻井技术系列,主要包括井身结构优化设计技术、古生界分层提速技术、复杂地层井筒强化技术、易漏地层高效防漏固井技术、高温储层高效定向技术和断控型储层保护技术。通过强化地质工程一体化并推广应用成熟技术,在井深逐年增加的情况下,钻井周期逐年缩短,保障了顺北油气田高效勘探、效益开发。指出需持续提升一井多控,断裂间安全钻井、异常高压工程应对能力,加强工具、材料耐温性能等关键核心技术攻关力度,提出应加大万米深井钻探的基础理论、关键技术与装备攻关研究,以进一步推动顺北油气田勘探开发步伐,保障安全成井,不断解锁“中国深度”。


    Abstract: In Shunbei Oil and Gas Field, abundant hydrocarbon resource is expected. However, the reservoirs are deeply buried, known as large depths, high pressures, and extremely high temperatures, making it widely recognized as the global forbidden zone for drilling and completion. Therefore, the exploration of a series of efficient drilling technologies tailored for the extra-deep wells in Shunbei Oil and Gas Field is desperately important in the efficient development of the oil and gas field. To address the major drilling challenges in Shunbei Oil and Gas Field, a series of efficient drilling technologies have been developed through years of technical research and practices, mainly including optimization design technology for casing program, stratified rate of penetration(ROP) increase technology for Paleozoic formations, wellbore reinforcement technology for complex formations, efficient leak prevention and well cementing technology for thief zone, efficient directional drilling technology for high-temperature reservoirs, and protection technology for fault-controlled reservoir. Through the advocation of geological and engineering integration and the intensive application of mature technologies, with the well depth increases year by year, the drilling duration has progressively shortened, ensuring the efficient exploration and profitable development of Shunbei Oil and Gas Field. It is suggested to continuously improve the capabilities of controlling multiple production zones with one well, safely drill through fractures, and dealing with engineering challenges related to abnormally high pressures. It is also necessary to intensify efforts in key core technologies research such as the temperature resistance of tools and materials and deepen research on fundamental theories, key technologies, and equipment development for 10 000-meter wells drilling and exploration, so as to advance the exploration and development of Shunbei Oil and Gas Field, ensure the safe completion of extra-deep wells, and continuously break through the “Chinese depth”.


