
Progress, Development Trends, and Outlook for Drilling Environmental Protection Technologies in the Shengli Oilfield

  • 摘要: 为了解决胜利油田钻井过程中废弃物总量大、存在环境污染风险等问题,研究开发了抗高温环保钻井液,形成了钻井液随钻治理一体化、废弃钻井液资源化利用和废弃钻屑无害化处理等一系列钻井环保技术。该环保技术在胜利油田及其他油气田的钻井现场进行了集成应用,解决了钻井液环保性与功能性之间的矛盾,显著降低了钻井废弃物的总量与污染风险,初步实现了对钻井废弃物“源头设计,过程控制,末端治理”的目标。研究认为,胜利油田钻井环保技术是在钻井作业“绿色”、高效实施与可持续发展方面探索取得的初步成果,具有现实意义。结合目前环保技术发展所面临的实际问题,指出了胜利油田钻井环保技术应在废弃物前期处理随钻化、经济化,配套设备小型化、智能化,以及末端产物资源化等3个方面开展攻关研究。


    Abstract: In order to solve the problems resulting from high levels of waste and and environmental pollution risk in the drilling process in the Shengli Oilfield, a series of high-temperature resistant environment-friendly drilling fluids were developed, forming a set of environmental protection technologies. They include an integrated drilling fluid treatment while drilling, the resource utilization of waste drilling fluids, and the harmless disposal of discarded cuttings. The field practice of these technologies in the Shengli Oilfield and Xinjiang Oilfield demonstrated that the integrated application of the newly developed technologies clearly contributed to the protection of the environment. Further, the applications resolved the conflict between environmental protection and the optimal use of drilling fluids, The new process resulted in a significant reduction of the total amount of drilling wastes and pollution risk, which allowed the project to achieve their stated goal of improved " source design, process control, and end treatment” for drilling wastes. According to the positive results of the studies, these technologies have made preliminary achievements in the aspects of " green” drilling, efficient implementation and sustainable development, they demonstrate that they possess good practical significance. Combined with the actual problems faced by the current development of environmental protection technology, the development trends of the drilling environmental protection technologies in the Shengli Oilfield shall focus on real-time and more economical drilling waste pretreatment technology, miniaturized and intelligent treatment equipment, drilling waste resource utilization technology, and more.


