Integrated Wellbore Technologies to Enhance the Rate of Penetration for Well Dingye 5
摘要: 丁山区块页岩气井钻井时存在机械钻速低和钻井周期长的问题,为提速、提效,在该区块丁页5井探索实施了"井筒一体化"钻井提速技术。提出了"井筒一体化"钻井提速模式,将井筒工程中不同专业技术服务由一个承包商统筹管理、综合应用,以解决多个承包商提供单项技术服务时技术针对性不强和衔接性不好的问题;围绕"井筒一体化"钻井提速模式如何最大化地提高钻井速度和时效,研究实施了空气/雾化钻井、PDC钻头优选改进、配套提速工具、防斜打直工艺和钻井液等各单项技术措施。"井筒一体化"钻井提速技术在丁页5井的试用结果显示,与邻井相比,平均机械钻速提高25%,钻井周期缩短41.95 d。由此表明,"井筒一体化"钻井提速技术有利于发挥各单项技术的优势,互补不足,从而实现提速提效。Abstract: In the Dingshan Block,gas wells faced low penetration rate and long drilling cycles during drilling.In order to improve the ROP(rate of penetration)and efficiency,integrated wellbore technologies were explored and put into practice to improve the rate of penetration.This technological model incorporated the following protocols:first,a single contractor should be employed to comprehensively manage and implement various professional technologies relevant to the wellbore project,and to target the poorly matched degree and incompatible technologies which occurred when contracted out to different contractors;secondly,several new technologies were implemented,which included single technologies such as pneumatic drilling,PDC bit selection and upgrading,ROP enhancement supporting,deviation controlling technology,drilling fluid technology,etc.All were researched and put into practice,with the goal of maximizing ROP and efficiency.The trial of the integrated wellbore technologies on Well Dingye 5 indicated that compared with nearby wells,Well Dingye 5 had the average ROP increased by 25% and the drilling cycle shortened by 41.95 d.Therefore,to enhance the ROP,integrated wellbore technologies should give full play to the advantages of single technology applications that complement each other.The outcome would be the enhancement of ROP and improved efficiency.
- integrated wellbore technologies /
- drilling /
- penetration rate /
- Dingshan Block /
- Well Dingye 5
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