
李铭宇, 柯式镇, 康正明, 李新, 倪卫宁

李铭宇, 柯式镇, 康正明, 李新, 倪卫宁. 螺绕环激励式随钻侧向测井仪测量强度影响因素及响应特性[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2018, 46(1): 128-134. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2018025
引用本文: 李铭宇, 柯式镇, 康正明, 李新, 倪卫宁. 螺绕环激励式随钻侧向测井仪测量强度影响因素及响应特性[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2018, 46(1): 128-134. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2018025
LI Mingyu, KE Shizhen, KANG Zhengming, LI Xin, NI Weining. Influence Factors of Measured Signal Intensity and the Response Characteristics of the Toroidal Coil Excitation LWD Laterolog Instrument[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2018, 46(1): 128-134. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2018025
Citation: LI Mingyu, KE Shizhen, KANG Zhengming, LI Xin, NI Weining. Influence Factors of Measured Signal Intensity and the Response Characteristics of the Toroidal Coil Excitation LWD Laterolog Instrument[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2018, 46(1): 128-134. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2018025






  • 中图分类号: P631.8+11

Influence Factors of Measured Signal Intensity and the Response Characteristics of the Toroidal Coil Excitation LWD Laterolog Instrument

  • 摘要: 与传统的随钻电极型电阻率测井仪相比,螺绕环激励式随钻侧向测井仪具有不易磨损,工艺难度小的优点,但国内对于该仪器的理论研究很少。基于三维有限元法,研究了螺绕环激励式随钻侧向测井仪的测井响应特征,分析了仪器结构参数对测量信号强度的影响。模拟结果表明:测量信号强度与接收线圈距呈正相关关系,仪器源距和钻头短节越长,仪器测量信号的强度越弱。根据模拟结果优选了模拟参数,研究了不同地层电阻率对比度下仪器的探测特性,分析了仪器在不同井斜角和围岩环境下斜井中的测井响应特征。螺绕环激励式随钻侧向测井仪探测深度较电缆式侧向测井仪浅,但可以满足随钻测井需求。研究结果对螺绕环激励式随钻侧向测井仪结构参数设计及测井解释方法研究均具有一定的指导意义。
    Abstract: Compared with the traditional electrode resistivity LWD instrument,the toroidal coil excitation LWD laterolog instrument has signifycant advantages of wear resistance and less process difficulty.However,there is little theoretical research on this instrument in China.Based on the 3D finite element method,the logging response characteristics of the toroidal coil excitation LWD laterolog tool were studied,which analyzed the influence of instrument structural parameters on measured signal intensity.The simulation results indicated that measured signal intensity was positively correlated with the distance of receiving coils,and the longer the source spacing of the instrument and the bit sub,the weaker the measured signal intensity.Based on the simulation results,the simulation parameters were optimized.Researchers studied the detection characteristics of the instrument under different formation resistivity contrast,as well as the logging response characteristics of the instrument in deviated wells with different inclinations and surrounding rocks.Compared with the cable laterolog tool,the toroidal coil excitation LWD laterolog tool has a shallower detection depth,but it can meet the requirements of LWD.The research results are significant and can be used to guide the structural parameter design and the research on logging interpretation methods of toroidal coil excitation LWD laterolog instrument.
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  • 收稿日期:  2017-10-19
  • 修回日期:  2018-01-12
  • 刊出日期:  1899-12-31


