

刘红兰. 分层注水井测调一体化新技术[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2018, 46(1): 83-89. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2018020
引用本文: 刘红兰. 分层注水井测调一体化新技术[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2018, 46(1): 83-89. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2018020
LIU Honglan. A New Integrated Measuring and Adjusting Technology of Separate Layer Water Injection Well[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2018, 46(1): 83-89. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2018020
Citation: LIU Honglan. A New Integrated Measuring and Adjusting Technology of Separate Layer Water Injection Well[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2018, 46(1): 83-89. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2018020






  • 中图分类号: TE357.6+

A New Integrated Measuring and Adjusting Technology of Separate Layer Water Injection Well

  • 摘要: 针对分层注水井测调一体化技术存在的水嘴漂移、测调累计误差较大和小夹层注水井难以定位等问题,在室内试验及数值分析的基础上,对可调配水器和一体化测调仪器进行了结构优化,研制了防自转可调配水器、双流量计一体化测调仪和电磁精确计深装置,形成了测调一体化新技术。室内试验表明,测试流量大于20.0 m3/d、井斜角大于30°时,改进后的带有支撑机构的双流量计一体化测调仪计量稳定,误差基本控制在2.5%以内。该技术在胜利油田6口分层注水井进行了现场应用,测调成功率100%,层段合格率达到90.1%,单井测调时间平均缩短25%以上。研究认为,测调一体化新技术不仅提高了胜利油田注水开发效果,也可以满足其他水驱开发油田精细分层注水的要求。
    Abstract: There can be problems in the application of conventional measuring and adjusting integrated technologies.The challenges include the nozzle drift,large cumulative errors in test and regulation,difficulties in locating the injection wells in thin interlayers,etc.The structure of adjustable water distributor and integrated measuring and adjusting instrument have been optimized on the basis of laboratory tests and numerical analysis.As a result,the team developed an anti-rotation adjustable water distributor,double-flow meters integrated measuring and adjusting instrument and accurate electromagnetic depth measuring device,by which a new integrated measuring and adjusting technology was created.Laboratory tests showed that the integrated double-flow measuring and adjusting instrument with a supporting mechanism had a stable measuring performance after improvement when the testing flow rate was over 20.0 m3/d and the well inclination was larger than 30°.That procedure kept the errors within 2.5%.This technology has been applied in six layered injection wells in Shengli oilfield,with the success rate of measurement and adjustment up to 100%.Further,the qualification rate of layers reached 90.1%,and it was possible to reduce the average testing time for a single well by more than 25%.The study results indicated that the new integrated measuring and adjusting technology may not only improve the layered water injection effects in Shengli oilfield,but also help meet the requirement of accurate layered water injection in other water-flooding oilfields.
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