
Development and Field Application of High Efficiency Drag and Torsion Reducing Tool

  • 摘要: 针对冀东油田大斜度井、大位移井在钻井过程中存在的摩阻扭矩大和套管易磨损等问题,在分析国内外降摩减扭工具优缺点的基础上,设计了一种由分体式结构的橡胶外套、低阻耐磨陶瓷涂层轴套和主轴组成的高效降摩减扭工具。基于三维井眼中钻柱受力分析计算模型,结合常用钻杆抗拉强度、抗扭强度和顶驱钻机最大连续工作扭矩,确定了工具主轴的抗拉、抗扭技术参数;并根据井眼轨迹、钻机设备的施工能力和现场施工情况,确定高效降摩减扭工具的安装位置及数量。室内测试结果表明,工具主轴抗拉强度、抗扭强度满足现场钻井安全要求。高效降摩减扭工具在冀东油田5口水平位移均超过2 000.00 m的大斜度井进行了现场试验,结果表明,钻进时的扭矩平均降低15%以上,并减少了钻具对套管的磨损,取得了良好的应用效果。高效降摩减扭工具为降低大斜度井、大位移井钻井中的扭矩及保护套管提供了一种新的技术手段。


    Abstract: Due to high angle wells and extended reach wells have significant torque and abrasion of casing during drilling in the Jidong Oilfield,a high efficiency friction and torsion reducing tool has been designed based on the investigations of drag and torsion reducing tools around the world,which composed of rubber sleeve,low-resistance shaft sleeve with abrasion-proof ceramic and detachable shaft,and determined the technical parameters that related to tensile and torsion strength of the principal shaft based on the 3D forces calculation model of drill strings in wellbore,combined with the tensile,torsional strength of drill pipe and maximum continuous working torque of top-drive rig. At the same time,installation locations and quantities of the innovative drag and torsion reducing tools have been calculated in accordance with well trajectory,capacities of drilling equipment and field operation conditions. Lab test results showed that the principal shaft had enough tensile and torsional strength for drilling operation. The high efficiency drag and torsion reducing tools have been tested in five high angle wells that have horizontal displacement over 2 000.00 m in the Jidong Oilfield. Test results indicated that the torque was lowered by 15% than that of predicted in average during drilling,and reduced the abrasion of casing by drilling string,resulting in satisfactory application performance. The high efficiency tool can provide a new means of lowering drag and torque in drilling high angle wells and extended reach wells and protect the casing string.


