
王彪, 王友启, 李立

王彪, 王友启, 李立. 油田污水电化学诱导防垢新技术[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2017, 45(2): 92-95. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702015
引用本文: 王彪, 王友启, 李立. 油田污水电化学诱导防垢新技术[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2017, 45(2): 92-95. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702015
WANG Biao, WANG Youqi, LI Li. A New Technique for Scaling Prevention in Produced Formation Water by Electrochemical Induction[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2017, 45(2): 92-95. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702015
Citation: WANG Biao, WANG Youqi, LI Li. A New Technique for Scaling Prevention in Produced Formation Water by Electrochemical Induction[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2017, 45(2): 92-95. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702015






  • 中图分类号: TE357.6+1

A New Technique for Scaling Prevention in Produced Formation Water by Electrochemical Induction

  • 摘要: 针对油田注水开发中加阻垢剂进行污水防垢处理时存在药剂作用距离有限、效果受环境因素变化影响的问题,提出了电化学诱导防垢的技术思路,并开展了试验研究。设计了室内评价装置并进行了试验,重点考察了诱导防垢处理前后污水中Ca2+、Mg2+质量浓度的变化情况;加工了现场小试装置,并在FM污水处理站进行了评价试验,考察了处理前后污水中阴离子、阳离子含量的变化情况。通过室内试验,优化了电极材料、极板间距、阴极面积、水流形式等电化学诱导防垢参数。现场试验结果显示,FM站污水经诱导防垢处理后,水中Ca2+质量浓度下降了18.2%、HCO3-质量浓度下降了23.6%;Scalechem 3.1垢化学分析软件预测显示,污水理论结垢量下降了43.4%。研究结果表明,电化学诱导防垢技术可以有效去除污水中的成垢离子,从而起到较好的防垢效果。
    Abstract: During waterflood operations in field development, attempts to reduce scale formation from produced formation waters are often negatively affected by short anti-scaling distance and environmental influences. To solve this problem, a new technique of scaling prevention by electrochemical induction was introduced, and laboratory and field tests were developed. To evaluate the new electrochemical induction scaling prevention technique in the laboratory, experimental apparatus were designed, and the mass concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ were tested before and after the electrochemically induced scaling prevention. In addition, field site test units were also installed to assess the performance of this technique in the FM produced water treatment station, and the anion and cation contents were measured before and after the electrochemical induction. Parameters of anti-scaling by electrochemical induction such as electrode materials, polar plate spacing, cathode area and water flow pattern were optimized in laboratory tests. The results of field tests indicated that Ca2+ content in the produced water at the FM station decreased by 18.2%, HCO-3by 23.6%, and the theoretical water scaling content reduced by 43.4% after the electrochemically induced scaling prevention as estimated from Scalechem 3.1, a chemical scale analysis software. In summary, the results showed that using an electrochemical induction scaling prevention technique could efficiently remove the scaled ions from produced formation water, and result in good anti-scaling effects.
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  • 收稿日期:  2016-12-15
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