New Lifting Technology for CO2 Flooding Wells with High GOR in Caoshe Oilfield
摘要: 在草舍油田注CO2驱油过程中,由于CO2通过大通道窜至生产井,造成气油比上升,导致常规管式泵泵效低,为此进行了CO2驱高气油比井举升技术研究。研制了防气射流泵和强制拉杆防气泵等关键工具,组合了具有二级防气功能的CO2驱高气油比井举升管柱,并采取了防止CO2腐蚀的技术措施,形成了CO2驱高气油比井举升新技术。该技术在草舍油田3口井进行了现场试验,结果表明,3口试验井平均泵效提高了10.5百分点,平均单井日增油2.0 t。这表明,CO2驱高气油比井举升新技术能够解决草舍油田CO2驱高气油比井泵效低的问题,达到提到泵效和产油量的目的,为提高草舍油田CO2驱整体开发水平提供了一种新的技术手段。Abstract: In the process of CO2 flooding in the Caoshe Oilfield, the injected CO2 broke through to the producing wells through big channels, causing the GOR to rise and the pump efficiency to be reduced in a conventional tube pump. In consideration of such circumstances, the lifting technology for CO2 flooding wells with high GOR was studied. By developing the anti-gas jet pumps and the pumps with forced pulling rods, a new lifting technology for CO2 flooding wells with high GOR formed by combining lifting strings that have two-stage gas control functions, and taking the measures of anti-CO2 corrosion which are applicable to CO2 flooding wells. The technology was used in three wells in Caoshe Oilfield, North Jiangsu, and showed that the average pump efficiency was enhanced by 10.5 percent point, the and average daily oil production per well was increased by 2.0 tons. It indicates that the new lifting technology for CO2 flooding well with high GOR can solve the problem of low pump efficiency in CO2 flooding wells with high GOR in the Caoshe Oilfield, and reach the goal of increasing the pump efficiency and oil production, which provides a new technical approach for improving the overall oil recovery by means of CO2 flooding in the Caoshe Oilfield.
- CO2 flooding /
- GOR /
- jet pump /
- pump efficiency /
- field test /
- Caoshe Oilfield /
- Well CZ1-7B
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