
魏开鹏, 杨欢, 斯容, 方群, 刘学全

魏开鹏, 杨欢, 斯容, 方群, 刘学全. 红河油田水平井置胶成坝技术[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2017, 45(2): 81-86. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702013
引用本文: 魏开鹏, 杨欢, 斯容, 方群, 刘学全. 红河油田水平井置胶成坝技术[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2017, 45(2): 81-86. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702013
WEI Kaipeng, YANG Huan, SI Rong, FANG Qun, LIU Xuequan. Gelation Technologies in Horizontal Wells of the Honghe Oilfield[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2017, 45(2): 81-86. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702013
Citation: WEI Kaipeng, YANG Huan, SI Rong, FANG Qun, LIU Xuequan. Gelation Technologies in Horizontal Wells of the Honghe Oilfield[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2017, 45(2): 81-86. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702013






  • 中图分类号: TE358+.3

Gelation Technologies in Horizontal Wells of the Honghe Oilfield

  • 摘要: 针对红河油田长8油藏储层致密、裂缝发育导致水平井注水井组水窜严重的问题,进行了水平井置胶成坝技术研究及现场试验。在模拟长8油藏的条件下,以堵剂成胶后的黏度为指标,优化了聚合物冻胶堵水剂的配方,评价了其抗老化性、耐盐性、抗剪切性、封堵性和抗冲刷性。结果表明,聚合物冻胶堵水剂的成胶时间4~10 d可调,耐盐能力达1×105 mg/L,耐Ca2+能力达8 000 mg/L,抗剪切及抗冲刷性能较好,封堵率大于95%。2井次的现场试验结果表明,红河油田水平井注水井组应用水平井置胶成坝技术后,受效井产油量升高,含水率降低,累计增油102 t,含水率由99.0%降至92.3%,有效期超过了217 d。研究与试验表明,采用水平井置胶成坝技术能满足封堵深部注水优势通道的要求,可以解决红河油田水平井注水井组水窜的问题。
    Abstract: Reservoirs in the Chang-8 Reservoir in the Honghe Oilfield are characterized by tight formations and well-developed natural fractures that give rise to water channeling during water injection. Under such circumstances study and field tests have been conducted to ameliorate the situation by using gelation technologies in horizontal water injectors with severe water channeling. Taking viscosities of plugging gel as evaluation criteria, the formula of polymer gel water-plugging agents was optimized and their aging, salt-resistance, shear resistance, plugging and anti-flushing performances were evaluated under simulated conditions of the formation. Test results showed that polymer gel water-plugging agents have adjustable gelation time of 4-10 days with salt resistance of 1×105 mg/L, Ca2+ mass concentration of 8 000 mg/L, high shearing and flushing resistance and resulting plugging efficiencies over 95%. Field tests were performed in 2 wells and they demonstrated that productivities were enhanced and the watercut reduced in the oil producers. In 217 days, incremental oil production was 102 t, while the watercut fell from 99.0% to 92.3% and effectively maintained that rate. Study and test results showed that the application of gelation technologies in horizontal wells can effectively plug prevailing water channels, and remove water channeling among horizontal water injectors in Honghe Oilfield.
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  • 收稿日期:  2016-12-14
  • 修回日期:  2017-02-22
  • 刊出日期:  2017-05-10


