
刘鹏, 夏柏如, 陶兴华, 胡彦峰, 涂玉林

刘鹏, 夏柏如, 陶兴华, 胡彦峰, 涂玉林. 膨胀波纹管在大牛地气田定向井段的应用[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2017, 45(2): 61-67. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702010
引用本文: 刘鹏, 夏柏如, 陶兴华, 胡彦峰, 涂玉林. 膨胀波纹管在大牛地气田定向井段的应用[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2017, 45(2): 61-67. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702010
LIU Peng, XIA Bairu, TAO Xinghua, HU Yanfeng, TU Yulin. The Application of Solid Expandable Liners in Directional Well Sections of the Daniudi Gas Field[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2017, 45(2): 61-67. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702010
Citation: LIU Peng, XIA Bairu, TAO Xinghua, HU Yanfeng, TU Yulin. The Application of Solid Expandable Liners in Directional Well Sections of the Daniudi Gas Field[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2017, 45(2): 61-67. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702010






  • 中图分类号: TE249

The Application of Solid Expandable Liners in Directional Well Sections of the Daniudi Gas Field

  • 摘要: 为了将Φ149.2 mm膨胀波纹管用于封隔大牛地气田定向井段易坍塌地层,采用有限元模拟和室内试验相结合的方法,分析了膨胀波纹管的外径、最大等效应力和最大等效塑性应变随井眼条件和膨胀压力变化的规律。室内研究结果表明,Φ149.2 mm膨胀波纹管满足大牛地气田定向井段应用的要求。Φ149.2 mm膨胀波纹管在大牛地气田PG22井和DPT-112井进行了应用,成功封隔了定向井段煤层和泥岩互层等复杂地层。其中,PG22井中封隔段长为109.00 m,井斜角59.72°~73.69°。膨胀波纹管在大牛地气田定向井段的成功应用,表明膨胀波纹管具备封隔大斜度井中复杂地层的能力,为提高井下作业安全提供了一种新的技术手段。
    Abstract: To clarify the feasibility of Φ149.2 mm solid expandable liner (SEL) used in directional well sections of Daniudi Gas Field to isolate fragile formations, the finite-element simulation and laboratory tests have been conducted to analyze the impact of borehole conditions and expansion pressures on outside diameter, maximum equivalent stress and maximum equivalent the plastic strain of SEL. The indoor testing results showed that a Φ149.2 mm SEL could meet the requirements of directional well sections in the Daniudi Gas Field, which has been successfully deployed in two wells, Well PG22 and Well DPT-112. To effectively isolate the sloughing formation that interbedded with coal and mudstone, in which the Well PG22 possesses a total isolating section of 109.00 m and inclinations from 59.72° to 73.69°. The successful application of SEL in the directional section of Daniudi Gas Field indicated that the technology would have the ability to isolate long complex sections in high angle wells, and to provide a new technical means for improving downhole operation safely.
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  • 收稿日期:  2016-08-21
  • 修回日期:  2017-01-04
  • 刊出日期:  2017-05-10


