Advances in Shale Gas Reservoir Engineering and Geomechanics Integration Technology and Relevant Discussions
摘要: 南方复杂山地海相页岩气水平井钻井完井过程中存在井壁稳定性、井筒完整性和储层可压性等工程地质力学问题与挑战,套管变形已经成为制约页岩气资源高效开发的生产技术难点。综述了地质力学一体化建模、岩石力学各向异性测试和胶结结构基础性研究进展,建立了龙马溪组优质页岩构造模型和地质力学参数模型,以龙11亚段页岩为例,分析了矿物组分、胶结结构和剪切摩擦特性对裂缝稳态-非稳态扩展的影响,揭示了页岩颗粒矿物支撑结构的非稳态破坏和黏土胶结结构的稳态破坏机理。研究结果表明,强化地质工程一体化技术研究,依据水平井眼穿越不同小层的矿物组分、胶结结构和地质力学特征进行分段分簇压裂方案设计,可以实现我国页岩气的高效开发。Abstract: Problems and challenges related to the reservoir engineering and geomechanics,such as wellbore stability,wellbore integrity and reservoir compressibility are often encountered in the process of horizontal drilling and completion in the shale gas reservoirs with marine facies and complex mountainous landforms in South China.Casing deformation has already become one of the problems hindering the development of shale gas resources efficiently.In this paper,the advance in modelling geomechanic integration,anisotropic tests of rock mechanics and basic research on cementation structure were summarized,and used to develop an excellent shale structure model and a geomechanic model for shale reservoirs in Longmaxi Formation.Taking the shale of Long 11 section as an example,the impacts of mineral compositionscementation structures and shear friction on the steady state-unsteady propagation of fractures were analyzedand revealed the mechanisms of unsteady destruction of shale granule mineral support structures and steady destruction of clay cementation structures.Research results indicated that it is essential to enhance the integration of geology and engineering,and design the fracturing plans staged based on the mineral compositions,cementation structures and geomechanics of the layers indicated in horizontal wells,so as to achieve the efficient development of shale gas in China.
- shale gas /
- horizontal well /
- drilling /
- well completion /
- geomechanics /
- integration
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26. 杜志强,吴艳. 高压水射流径向钻井技术在王坡矿区的应用. 内蒙古煤炭经济. 2020(18): 145-147 . 百度学术
27. 李玉梅,张涛,于怀彬,苏中,于丽维,郑伟. 水力喷射钻孔器径向破岩特性分析. 石油机械. 2019(04): 24-30 . 百度学术
28. 张启龙,王斌,田守嶒,高斌,李进. 渤海中深层探井径向射流技术可行性研究. 石油机械. 2019(05): 17-23+30 . 百度学术
29. 谢淮北,王岩,崔松,袁帅伟. 热力辅助对磨料射流切割45钢表面质量的影响. 制造业自动化. 2019(08): 16-18+57 . 百度学术
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31. 李雷,王方祥,李天阳. 径向水平井多孔自旋射流喷嘴设计及应用. 断块油气田. 2018(02): 244-248 . 百度学术
32. 胡宝玉. 径向射流技术对断层产状探测定位的应用研究. 煤田地质与勘探. 2018(04): 103-107 . 百度学术
33. 刘再斌. 浅埋灰岩含水层互嵌式射流改造方法研究. 煤炭技术. 2018(06): 46-48 . 百度学术
34. 杨刚,孟尚志,李斌,李孝勇,张林强,马腾飞,陈小波. 深部煤层气T型井钻井技术. 煤炭科学技术. 2018(06): 189-194 . 百度学术
35. 毕刚,李根生,屈展,黄中伟,高辉,窦亮彬,赵凯. 水力喷射径向水平井钻井水力参数计算及优选方法. 西安石油大学学报(自然科学版). 2018(05): 76-82 . 百度学术
36. 谢玉洪. 南海西部低渗油气藏勘探开发探索与实践. 中国海上油气. 2018(06): 80-85 . 百度学术
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