
李根生, 黄中伟, 李敬彬

李根生, 黄中伟, 李敬彬. 水力喷射径向水平井钻井关键技术研究[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2017, 45(2): 1-9. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702001
引用本文: 李根生, 黄中伟, 李敬彬. 水力喷射径向水平井钻井关键技术研究[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2017, 45(2): 1-9. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702001
LI Gensheng, HUANG Zhongwei, LI Jingbin. Study of the Key Techniques in Radial Jet Drilling[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2017, 45(2): 1-9. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702001
Citation: LI Gensheng, HUANG Zhongwei, LI Jingbin. Study of the Key Techniques in Radial Jet Drilling[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2017, 45(2): 1-9. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201702001






  • 中图分类号: TE243

Study of the Key Techniques in Radial Jet Drilling

  • 摘要: 水力喷射径向水平井技术可在垂直井眼内沿径向钻出呈辐射状分布的一口或多口水平井眼,从而增大与储层的接触面积,建立高导流通道,是一种经济高效的油田挖潜和增产增注技术,其关键技术包括射流破岩钻孔能力、水力参数计算、射流钻头自进与井眼延伸能力、井眼轨迹测量与控制等。针对上述关键技术开展了深入系统的研究:分析了目前应用于径向水平井钻井的各类型射流钻头的基本原理,建立了射流破岩比能模型,通过对比分析认为旋转多孔射流钻头综合破岩效果最佳;建立了径向水平井喷射钻进系统压耗计算模型,对比分析了不同直径连续油管的循环压耗,分析了相关参数对系统压耗的影响规律,为水力参数设计提供了依据;建立了旋转多孔射流钻头自进力计算模型与径向水平井延伸极限计算模型,对比了不同作业条件下径向水平井的延伸极限,为装备优选和径向井眼设计提供了依据;探讨了微机电惯性元件测量径向井眼轨迹的方法原理,为径向井眼轨迹测量提供了一种可行的方法。该研究成果可为形成水力喷射径向水平井技术体系与推广应用奠定基础。
    Abstract: Radial Jet Drilling (RJD),which can drill one or more radial laterals in a vertical wellbore using hydraulic jet to enhance the contact area with reservoirs and create high-conductivity flow channels,is an efficient way of increasing the production,injection and ultimate recovery of an oil field.Its key techniques include the jet drilling ability,computation of hydraulic parameters,self-propelling of the jet bit and borehole extension,measurement and control of well trajectory,etc.A series of in-depth and thorough studies was carried out targeting the above key techniques.Then the fundamental principles of the various jet bits applied in radial horizontal drilling were analyzed,and then the model for jet flow rock-breaking specific energy was set up,while the analysis showed that the rotary porous jet bits had the best rock-breaking effects.With that information,a model for computing the pressure loss of the radial jet drilling system was built,with which,the circulating pressure loss of the coiled tubing with various diameters was analyzed together with impacts of the relevant parameters on the system pressure loss with the goal of identifying the ideal supports for the design of hydraulic parameters.The models for computing the self-propelling force of the rotary porous jet bits and the maximum extension of the radial horizontal wells were established,with which,the maximum extension of the radial boreholes under various operation conditions were analyzed to facilitate the optimization of the equipment and design of the radial boreholes.Finally,a mechanism and method of radial borehole trajectory measurement with Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Inertial Measurement Unit (MEMS-IMU) were surveyed to provide a feasible approach for measuring radial borehole trajectories.The research in the paper can lay the foundation for promoting and applying the radial jet drilling technologies.
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  • 收稿日期:  2017-03-09
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