The Development and Field Application of JZLu-1 High-Efficiency Lubricants
摘要: 针对大斜度井和大位移井钻井过程中摩阻扭矩高及常规润滑剂用量大、润滑效果差的问题,以合成基础油为主要原料,添加球形纳米SiO2和硫-磷-钼等抗磨损极压剂,并应用阳离子乳化剂进行乳化,制备了JZLu-1高效润滑剂。应用ζ电位测定仪、四球试验机和极压润滑仪测试了JZLu-1润滑剂的电位、减磨性能和极压润滑性能,利用电子显微镜观察了JZLu-1高效润滑剂在金属上的吸附过程,结果表明:JZLu-1高效润滑剂带微弱正电荷,可以主动吸附在金属表面上,形成油膜;JZLu-1高效润滑剂含有的纳米SiO2起减磨作用;JZLu-1高效润滑剂含有的硫-磷-钼极压剂提高了其极压润滑性能,其极压润滑系数为0.028 3。6口井的现场应用表明,JZLu-1高效润滑剂能够大幅降低大斜度井和大位移井钻井过程中的摩阻扭矩,解决了常规润滑剂润滑效果差、用量大的问题。Abstract: Since highly deviated wells and extended reach wells often involve high friction resistance in during drilling, large amounts of conventional lubricants are required, and the lubrication performances are often unsatisfactory. In order to solve the problems, the high-efficiency JZLu-1 lubricants were developed by using a synthetic base oil, together with spherical nano SiO2 and sulfur-phosphorus-molybdenum anti-abrasion extreme pressures agents, where it was then emulsified by a cationic emulsifier. Potentials, wear-resistance and lubrication performances under extreme pressures were determined by using a ζ potential analyzer, a four-ball tester and an extreme-pressure lubrication performance tester. In addition, electronic microscopes were also used to observe absorption of JZLu-1 on metal surfaces. Research results showed that the lubricant JZLu-1 had a weak positive charge, and may positively attach themselves to metallic surfaces to generate oil films; nano SiO2 contained in JZLu-1 may provide satisfactory wear-resistance performances, whereas sulfur-phosphorus-molybdenum extreme pressures agents may significantly enhance lubrication performances, with lubrication coefficient of 0.028 3 under extreme pressures. Application results of six wells indicated that the JZLu-1 high-efficiency lubricant could dramatically lower drag and torques in highly deviated wells or extended-reach wells, so as to eliminate problems of poor performances and large volume of conventional lubricants required in such wells.
- lubricant /
- emulsifier /
- extended reach well /
- friction resistance /
- torque /
- Nanpu Oilfield
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