
刘匡晓, 王庆军, 兰凯, 赵转玲

刘匡晓, 王庆军, 兰凯, 赵转玲. 涪陵页岩气田三维水平井大井眼导向钻井技术[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2016, 44(5): 16-21. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201605003
引用本文: 刘匡晓, 王庆军, 兰凯, 赵转玲. 涪陵页岩气田三维水平井大井眼导向钻井技术[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2016, 44(5): 16-21. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201605003
LIU Kuangxiao, WANG Qingjun, LAN Kai, ZHAO Zhuanling. Large Diameter Hole Steering Drilling Technology for Three-Dimensional Horizontal Well in the Fuling Shale Gas Field[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2016, 44(5): 16-21. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201605003
Citation: LIU Kuangxiao, WANG Qingjun, LAN Kai, ZHAO Zhuanling. Large Diameter Hole Steering Drilling Technology for Three-Dimensional Horizontal Well in the Fuling Shale Gas Field[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2016, 44(5): 16-21. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201605003






  • 中图分类号: TE242

Large Diameter Hole Steering Drilling Technology for Three-Dimensional Horizontal Well in the Fuling Shale Gas Field

  • 摘要: 涪陵页岩气田三维水平井二开斜井段井眼尺寸大,稳斜段长,砂泥岩地层交互频繁,存在井眼轨迹方位调整幅度大、钻具组合造斜率低且不稳定、机械钻速低等问题,为此,进行了三维水平井大井眼导向钻井技术研究。利用地层的自然造斜能力,对井眼轨道进行优化设计,降低造斜率,缩短稳斜段长度,减少井眼轨迹调整量,降低井眼轨迹控制难度;将“单弯双稳”钻具组合优化为“单弯单稳”钻具组合,并对钻压进行优化,以提高稳斜段复合钻进进尺,降低摩阻扭矩;应用水力振荡器降低扭方位井段的摩阻扭矩,以实现提高机械钻速的目的。该导向钻井技术在涪陵页岩气田焦石坝区块34口水平井进行了应用,二开斜井段平均定向钻进时间15.30 d,较同区块已完钻井缩短37.63%,平均钻井周期58.45 d,较同区块已完钻井缩短21.01%,井身质量合格率100%。应用效果表明,三维水平井大井眼导向钻井技术可以有效提高涪陵页岩气田大尺寸斜井段的机械钻速,缩短钻井周期。
    Abstract: The Fuling shale gas three-dimensional horizontal well featuring with the second spud deviated section with a large hole diameter, long tangent section, frequent interbedded sandstone and mudstone, presented issues like large azimuth adjustment, a lower unstable build-up rate of BHA and a low rate of penetration. Therefore, directional drilling technology for three-dimensional horizontal well with large diameter hole was studied. The well trajectory was optimized considering the natural build-up rate of formations to reduce build-up rates, shorten the tangent section, and reduce the wellbore trajectory adjustment and wellbore trajectory control difficulty. The "single PDM and dual stabilizer" BHA were alternated by "single PDM and single stabilizer" BHA combined with WOB, so that to improve the composite drilling footage in tangent section and reduce friction and torque. A hydraulic oscillator was applied to reduce friction and torque in azimuth change section in order to improve ROP. The steering drilling technology was applied in 34 horizontal wells in the Fuling Area with a deviated second spud average directional drilling time of 15.30 d, which was 37.63% short compared to the wells in the same block. The average drilling cycle was 58.45 d, which was 21.01% shorter than the wells in same block. The wellbore quality passing rate was 100%. Application results showed that the steering drilling technology for a three-dimensional horizontal well with large hole diameter could increase ROP in deviated section with large hole diameter and could shorten the drilling cycle.
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  • 收稿日期:  2015-09-19
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