New Technology with Composite Percussion Drilling and Rock Breaking
摘要: 针对传统旋冲钻井和扭冲钻井在钻头的匹配性及地层的适应性方面存在的局限性,结合高效钻井技术发展趋势,提出了复合冲击破岩钻井新技术,并开发了可实现扭向反转冲击联合轴向脉动冲击的新型复合冲击钻具。该钻具可将流体的液压能转换成工具扭向和轴向交替的高频冲击机械能并直接传递给钻头,给钻头施加周期性的低幅高频复合式冲击,在不需要改变任何设备的前提下提高破岩效率。在介绍复合冲击破岩钻井新技术破岩原理的基础上,详细介绍了复合冲击钻具的结构和工作原理、影响破岩效率的关键参数等。新型复合冲击破岩钻井新技术,可真正实现“立体破岩”,从而提高机械钻速和井身质量。Abstract: In order to solve the limitations of conventional rotary drilling and torsional drilling in drill bit matching and adaptability, a new composite percussion drilling technology for rock breaking was proposed. In addition, a new composite percussive drilling tool was also developed to achieve reversal torsional percussion and torsional pulse percussion. The drilling tool could convert the hydraulic energy of fluids into alternative mechanical energy of torsional and axial high-frequency percussion and directly transfer it to the bit. Thus, periodic low-amplitude high-frequency composite percussion was applied to the bit in order to improve rock breaking efficiency without equipment change. Based on the rock breaking principle of composite percussion drilling technology, this paper details the structure and working principles of the composite drilling tools, key parameters affecting rock breaking efficiency, and more. The new composite percussion drilling technology for rock breaking can be used to achieve three-dimensional rock breaking to improve the rate of penetration and to enhance well bore quality.
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