Decompression and Augmented Injection Technology with Polybasic Recombination Acid for Chang-6 Ultra-Low Permeability Reservoir in Honghe Oilfield
摘要: 红河油田长6特低渗油藏近年来通过注水开发减缓了产量递减,但还存在注水井注入压力高、欠注甚至注不进水的问题,地层能量无法得到有效补充。分析认为,长6特低渗油藏注水井欠注的主要原因是自身储层物性差、渗透率低、孔喉半径小,其次是注入水与地层水不配伍、结垢,加之注水过程中黏土膨胀运移等进一步降低了储层的渗透率。为此,提出利用多元复合酸酸化技术来解决该油藏的注水井欠注问题。酸液配伍性、腐蚀速率及岩心的溶蚀速率等室内试验结果表明,多元复合酸与该油藏的注入水、地层水配伍性良好,具有腐蚀率小、黏土膨胀率低、岩心溶蚀慢的特点。8口井的现场应用结果表明,多元复合酸酸化技术能够解除注水井近井地带的污染,恢复、提高地层渗透率,达到降压增注的目的。Abstract: In recent years, Chang-6 ultra-low permeability reservoir of Honghe Oilfield has reduced production decline by means of water injection, but there are also problems of high water injection pressure, insufficient injection and even water injection failure, the formation energy can not be replenished effectively. The analysis showed that the main causes for insufficient injection in Chang-6 ultra-low permeability reservoir were poor reservoir properties, low permeability and small pore throat radius; the secondary causes were not compatible with injected water and formation water as well as scale formation. Additionally, clay swelling and migration in the water injection process could also reduce the reservoir permeability. In order to solve the insufficient injection problem in the reservoir, the polybasic recombination acid technology has been introduced. Laboratory test results showed that the polybasic recombination acid was highly compatible with injected water and formation water, and it could provide low corrosion rate and clay swelling rate, and keep slow rate of core dissolution. According to field applications in eight wells, the polybasic recombination acid technology can eliminate pollution near water injection well, restore and improve formation permeability to achieve decompression and augmented injection.
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