
宋本岭, 黄志刚, 张伟, 王振, 史为纪

宋本岭, 黄志刚, 张伟, 王振, 史为纪. 免钻免捞筛管顶部固井工艺研究与现场试验[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2016, 44(4): 72-76. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201604013
引用本文: 宋本岭, 黄志刚, 张伟, 王振, 史为纪. 免钻免捞筛管顶部固井工艺研究与现场试验[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2016, 44(4): 72-76. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201604013
SONG Benling, HUANG Zhigang, ZHANG Wei, WANG Zhen, SHI Weiji. Study and Field Testing on the Top Cementing Technology of Screen Pipe Free from Drilling and Fishing[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2016, 44(4): 72-76. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201604013
Citation: SONG Benling, HUANG Zhigang, ZHANG Wei, WANG Zhen, SHI Weiji. Study and Field Testing on the Top Cementing Technology of Screen Pipe Free from Drilling and Fishing[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2016, 44(4): 72-76. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201604013




  • 中图分类号: TE256+.4

Study and Field Testing on the Top Cementing Technology of Screen Pipe Free from Drilling and Fishing

  • 摘要: 常规筛管顶部固井工艺兼有筛管和尾管固井工艺的优点,但是固井后需要钻除管内附件。为提高筛管顶部固井工艺效率,优化了内、外管柱的结构,使用皮碗封隔器和滑套式分级箍代替常规筛管顶部固井工艺中的盲板和压差式分级箍,通过移动内管柱位置实现坐挂、注水泥、循环等操作,固井后提出内管柱时将残留附件一次带出,套管内不会残留盲板和分级箍内套,通径满足后续作业需要,实现了固井后免钻免捞,并可通过调整皮碗封隔器尺寸实现不同复合尺寸套管筛管完井。该工艺在渤海湾海上合作区块的X井进行了现场试验,完成了φ177.8 mm尾管+φ139.7 mm筛管复合管柱的筛管顶部尾管注水泥固井作业,固井候凝后直接投产,无需钻塞,节约了钻机时间。
    Abstract: Top cementing technology with conventional screen pipes can combine advantages of the screen pipe and liner cementing, but internal accessories need to be removed upon completion of cementing operations. To improve the top cementing efficiency of the screen pipe, the internal and external pipe string structure was optimized with a rubber cup packer and a sliding sleeve staged collar. They were used to replace the blind plate and differential-pressure type staged collar in the top cementing with conventional screen pipe. The internal pipe string was moved to achieve setting, cementing, circulation and other process operations and all the residual accessories were brought out when the internal pipe string was lifted after cementing. Thus, the blind plate and staged collar would not be retained in the casing and the diameter could meet requirements for follow-up operation to avoid drilling and fishing after cementing. At the same time, screen pipe completion of different composite casings could be performed by adjusting the sizes of rubber cup packers. This technology has been used for field tests in Well X in the offshore cooperation block of Bohai Bay to complete top cementing operation with φ177.8 mm liner +φ139.7 mm screen pipe. The well can be directly put into production after waiting on cement setting. Without the need for plug drilling, the drilling time can be effectively minimized.
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  • 收稿日期:  2016-03-24
  • 修回日期:  2016-06-29
  • 刊出日期:  1899-12-31


