
张建阔, 王旭东, 郭保雨, 何兴华, 王俊, 杨龙波

张建阔, 王旭东, 郭保雨, 何兴华, 王俊, 杨龙波. 油基钻井液用固体乳化剂的研制与评价[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2016, 44(4): 58-64. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201604011
引用本文: 张建阔, 王旭东, 郭保雨, 何兴华, 王俊, 杨龙波. 油基钻井液用固体乳化剂的研制与评价[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2016, 44(4): 58-64. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201604011
ZHANG Jiankuo, WANG Xudong, GUO Baoyu, HE Xinghua, WANG Jun, YANG Longbo. Development and Evaluation of a Solid Emulsifier for Oil Based Drilling Fluid[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2016, 44(4): 58-64. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201604011
Citation: ZHANG Jiankuo, WANG Xudong, GUO Baoyu, HE Xinghua, WANG Jun, YANG Longbo. Development and Evaluation of a Solid Emulsifier for Oil Based Drilling Fluid[J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2016, 44(4): 58-64. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.201604011






  • 中图分类号: TE254+.4

Development and Evaluation of a Solid Emulsifier for Oil Based Drilling Fluid

  • 摘要: 为解决油基钻井液常用液态乳化剂黏度高、流动性差,而常见固体乳化剂乳化效果差、制备步骤复杂的问题,通过简单的酰胺化反应制备了乳化能力强的油基钻井液用固体乳化剂EmuL-S。利用红外光谱分析了其结构,通过电稳定性、乳化率、析液量以及光学显微镜等手段考察了其乳化性能,并评价了以该乳化剂为基础配制的油基钻井液的性能。结果表明:固体乳化剂EmuL-S中含有设计要求的基团;当油水比为80∶20、固体乳化剂EmuL-S加量为3.3%时,形成的油包水乳状液的破乳电压大于1 000 V,乳化率大于90%,析液量小于0.7 mL,而且能抗180℃的高温;以固体乳化剂EmuL-S为基础配制的油基钻井液,密度最高可达到2.0 kg/L,抗温能力达到180℃,沉降稳定性高、流变性能优异,动塑比在0.21以上,破乳电压大于800 V,能抗15%水、15%劣质土、9%岩屑以及9% CaCl2的污染。研究表明,固体乳化剂EmuL-S具有优异的乳化能力和抗高温能力,并且具有制备简单、易于工业化生产的特点,可以解决现有乳化剂存在的问题。
    Abstract: Due to the fact that oil based drilling fluid liquid emulsifiers possess high viscosity and poor mobility, and the common solid emulsifiers have poor emulsification effect and complicated preparation procedure, a solid emulsifier EmuL-S with strong emulsifying ability in oil based drilling fluid has been developed by simple amidation reaction. Its structure was analyzed by using an infrared spectrum, and the emulsifying properties were investigated by means of electrical stability, emulsification rate, the amount of liquid dropout and optical microscopy. The performance of oil based drilling fluid containing the new emulsifier was evaluated. The results showed that the solid emulsifier EmuL-S contains the required group in the design. When the oil-water ratio is 80:20, with a solid emulsifier EmuL-S dosage of 3.3%, the water-in-oil emulsion has a breaking voltage of greater than 1000 V, the emulsion rate is greater than 90%, the amount of liquid dropout is less than 0.7mL, and the temperature is resistant to 180℃. The oil based drilling fluids with EmuL-S has a density up to 2.0 kg/L, temperature resistance is up to 180℃, with high sedimentation stability, excellent rheological properties, ratio of YP/PV is higher than 0.21, and the breaking voltage is greater than 800 V. Its pollution resistance capacities are at 15% water, 15% inferior soil, 9% cuttings and 9% CaCl2. Studies showed that the solid emulsifier EmuL-S has excellent emulsifying ability and high temperature resistance capability, and has the advantages of easy preparation and mass production, which can address the problems that exist in conventional emulsifiers.
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  • 收稿日期:  2015-07-29
  • 修回日期:  2016-06-02
  • 刊出日期:  1899-12-31


