Key Techniques of Rotating Liners Running in High Angle Wells
摘要: 针对大斜度井中尾管下入遇阻和不易下到位的问题,从降低管串旋转摩阻、提高管串抗扭能力和通过性等方面入手,研制了内嵌式卡瓦、高抗扭液压丢手、提高螺纹抗扭能力的止动环、低摩阻的树脂稳定器和高通过性的偏心引鞋等关键工具,并研究了最大安全扭矩设定方法、扭矩预测方法和旋转下入操作等现场应用关键技术措施,最终形成了适用于大斜度井的旋转尾管下入技术。室内分析表明,液压丢手抗扭能力可达45 kN·m,止动环能使API螺纹抗扭能力提高1倍以上,低摩阻稳定器的动摩擦系数降至0.17。大斜度井旋转尾管下入技术在南海WZ6-12油田5口大斜度井进行了应用,顺利将最长1 290 m的φ177.8 mm尾管下入到位,最大井斜角达68.4°。研究结果表明,旋转尾管下入技术对解决大斜度井中尾管下入困难的问题具有显著效果。Abstract: Rotating liner running in high angle wells is often dragged or not efficient. To reduce the rotational friction and to improve the torsional capacity and passing through ability of pipe strings, some key tools were developed, including recessed slips, a high torsional hydraulic releasing tool, a snap ring for improving the torsional capacity of threads, low friction resin stabilizer, and eccentric guide shoe with high pass-through capacity. In addition, some key techniques were developed in field applications, which include the maximum safe torque setting and torque prediction, and rotated running operation methods. Finally, the complete tool system and application techniques suitable for rotating liner running in high angle wells were formed. According to the results of laboratory analysis, the torsional capacity of hydraulic releasing tool reached 40 kN·m, the torsional capacity of API threads was doubled by using the snap ring, and the dynamic friction coefficient of low-friction stabilizer was reduced to 0.17. Those techniques were applied successfully in five high angle wells in the South China Sea WZ6-12 Oilfield, the φ177.8 mm liners (the longest one up to 1 290 m) were run into the correct position with the maximum inclination of 68.4°. The research results indicated that those techniques of running rotating liner were significant in solving the problems in running liner in high angle wells.
- rotating liner /
- high angle well /
- liner cementing /
- liner hanger /
- running casing /
- WZ6-12 Oilfield /
- South China Sea
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