Enhancement of ROP in Well Bei-209 of the Longfengshan Gas Field
摘要: 针对龙凤山气田钻井中存在的上部地层易塌、下部地层易漏、机械钻速低、钻井周期长等问题,在该油田评价井——北209井进行了钻井提速技术研究与试验,以达到提高机械钻速、缩短钻井周期的目的。在分析龙凤山气田地质资料和地层特点的基础上,通过优化井身结构、采用“PDC钻头+0.5°单弯螺杆”复合钻井技术、选用适合于砾石层的液动射流冲击器、选择机械式无线随钻测斜仪测量井斜、应用SMROP-1快钻剂等关键技术措施,使北209井实现了安全快速钻井,机械钻速达到8.62 m/h,较该气田此前平均机械钻速提高了53.38%;钻井周期40.98 d,比设计钻井周期缩短22.40 d。研究认为,北209井钻井提速技术可为龙凤山气田后续井钻井提速增效提供借鉴。Abstract: Drilling operations in the Longfengshan Gas Field are susceptible to borehole collapse in the upper formations, circulation lost in the lower formations, low ROP and prolonged drilling times. To enhance the ROP and to minimize the time in drilling operations, research and experiments on high-speed drilling technologies were carried out for Well Bei-209. Based on the analysis on geological information and the formation characteristics of the Longfengshan Gas Field, well casing program, combined drilling of PDC bit+0.5° single bend PDM, hydro-efflux hammer for gravel layers, mechanical wireless MWD, SMROP-1 fast drilling additives and other key technical measures were adopted to achieve safe and fast drilling of Well Bei-209. Under these conditions, the resulting ROP was 8.62 m/h, 53.28% higher than the average ROP previously achieved in the gas filed. At the same time, the drilling cycle was 40.98 d, 22.40 d shorter than designed. Research results showed that the proposed high-speed drilling techniques for Well Bei-209 could provide references for follow-up operations to enhance the ROP and efficiencies in the Longfengshan Gas Field.
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