The Novel Technology of Shale Gas Play Evaluation——Sweetness Calculation Method
摘要: 在应用地质甜点与工程甜点对页岩气层产气能力进行评价时,只能表明页岩气层压后产气可能性的大小,而压后产气量的高低与该甜点指标的正相关性并不明显。为此,提出了地质甜度及工程甜度的概念,对地质甜点与工程甜点的“甜度”进行精确表征和量化,并给出了其计算方法:设置待评价区地质甜度及工程甜度最甜的标杆,即涵盖一系列最佳地质参数与工程参数的集合体,然后计算欧氏贴近度来表征待评价区参数集合与该标杆的相似度,并将其作为地质甜度与工程甜度,应用灰色关联方法确定地质甜度和工程甜度的权重分配后,可计算得到综合的甜度指标。涪陵页岩气田焦石坝区块7口井的验证结果表明,与地质甜点与工程甜点相比,地质甜度与工程甜度与各段簇产气量的正相关性更强。研究与应用表明,应用地质甜度与工程甜度可以实现页岩气层产气能力的定量评价,增强了页岩气水平井分段压裂段簇位置优选的科学性与可靠性,对页岩气开发的降本增效具有重要的现实意义。Abstract: The evaluation results of a shale gas play based on geologic and engineering sweet spots can only show the probability of gas production after shale gas fracturing, while the production capacity after fracturing has no significant positive correlation with the sweet spot indicator. For this reason, the concept of geologic and engineering sweetness is proposed and corresponding calculation method is also provided in order to develop a "sweetness index". It is necessary to set the benchmark for the highest geologic sweetness and engineering sweetness of the area to be evaluated, namely the collection of a series of optimum geological parameter combinations and engineering parameters, then to calculate the Euclid approach degree to indicate the similarity between the parameter combinations and the benchmark. Taking it as the geologic sweetness and engineering sweetness, we need to determine weighted distribution of geologic sweetness and engineering sweetness by means of grey correlation in order to obtain the aggregative sweetness indicator, or a "sweetness index". The concept was applied to seven wells in Jiaoshiba Block of Fuling Shale Gas Field and results showed that gas production of clusters from each segment has significant positive correlation with geologic sweetness and engineering sweetness. According to results of the study and applications, geologic sweetness and engineering sweetness can be used in the quantitative evaluation of the gas production capacity of a shale gas play, which improves rationality and reliability of segment cluster selection in staged fracturing of horizontal shale gas wells and results in significant cost reduction and effectiveness of shale gas fracturing.
- shale gas /
- fracturing /
- geologic sweetness /
- engineering sweetness /
- fracturing design /
- Jiaoshiba Block /
- Fuling Shale Gas Field
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