Technology of Hydraulic Sand Blasting Perforation and Multiple Clusters Fracturing with Coiled Tubing in Jinghe Oilfield
摘要: 针对泾河油田长8油藏水平井压后初期产量低且递减快的问题,根据连续油管水力喷砂射孔环空多簇压裂的技术原理,结合压裂裂缝诱导应力场分析,对簇间距、射孔参数和施工参数进行了优化,形成了泾河油田长8油藏连续油管水力喷砂射孔环空多簇压裂施工方案:压裂簇间距15~38 m,射孔位置距离天然裂缝5~10 m,射孔喷射速度大于190 m/s,压裂施工排量4~5 m3/min,前置液比例28%~32%,段加砂量25~45 m3,平均砂比25.5%~27.0%。该技术在9口井进行了现场应用,与优化前相比,一次压开成功率提高39.3%;与单簇压裂相比,平均单井产量提高3.5 t/d。应用结果表明,连续油管水力喷砂射孔环空多簇压裂技术能实现低孔、特低渗砂岩油藏的有效开发,具备推广应用价值。Abstract: To solve the problem of low primary production and quick decline of horizontal wells after hydraulic fracturing in Chang 8 Formation of Jinghe Reservoir, coiled tubing hydraulic sand blasting perforation and multiple clusters fracturing technique was proposed. Through the analysis of this techniques characteristics, the optimization of cluster spacing, perforation and treatment parameters were optimized. Based on the optimum treatment design, we set cluster spacing to 15-38 m, pad ratio 28%-32%, sand plug 25-45 m3, average sand ratio 25.5%-27%. This technique has been put in 9 wells design and it showed that treatment success rate had increase 39.3% and single well production increased 3.5 tons per day. Through the application, it demonstrated that coiled tubing hydraulic sand blasting perforation, and multiple clusters fracturing technique is effective in the development of sandstone reservoirs with low porosity, low permeability.